Country assignment by shipping zone (for information on shipments/express shipments to countries not listed here, please contact us.
Shipping costs
A daily flat rate for shipping costs is charged for MPG&E deliveries. The fee of € 3.90 (€ 1.95 for online orders) applies to all orders received on a business day, regardless of the size and number of orders. The flat rate includes all logistics services, packaging materials and postage. Any additional costs such as surcharges for shipping abroad are listed as individual items for each shipment (max. 5kg).
Daily flat rate for shipping costs
Orders received by telephone, fax or e-mail:
€ 3.90
Order received via online shop and and digital order:
€ 1.95
Service surcharges
Shipping surcharge separate
Express: on demand
Surcharges for shipping abroad
Shipping abroad is invoiced according to zones. The chart shows you which countries are assigned to shipping zones 1 to 2. Please note that customs duties and import taxes may also be levied depending on the country.
Package shipping zone 1:
€ 12.08
Package shipping zone 2:
€ 12.98
Letter shipping (without loss liability and tracking) to all zones:
€ 5.00
*customs duties (Switzerland):
€ 30.00